Anecdote time baby
So I went to one of those lab thingies to get my blood checked recently, not that I'm sick or anything, it was just to make sure there's nothing wrong with myself, which there wasn't!
But that's not the point.
The point is, when the nurse pricked me with the syringe she started to struggle a bit, guess blok anatomy made things unnecessarily difficult for her, cuz she started moving the needle under my skin, desperately looking for a vein.
She said "let me know if you feel any pain" and I was like "sure" and so I sat there without making the slightest of noises nor movements, watching a needle wiggle under my skin, the nurse even removed the needle and reinserted it back, just to not find a vein again.
She tried removing it and inserting it back for a third time and so she finally was able to find some sweet sweet blood to extract.
Truly, the experience of all times.
Omg as someone who works with needles all the time while sewing and shit this kind of stuff absolutely terrifies and grosses me out. Like bitch just stab me once and get it over with, don't root around in my skin like a damn purse 😭
hehehe totally understandable, luckily the whole thing was surprisingly painless.
So at least that's that.