Funny thing that has been happening lately.
I can't quite remember how it all started it's been days already, I think I wanted to give Nerine something, idk, point is, we made contact, which, lead to me giving her a little zap by accident, I didn't meant to (this one time at least) cuz Nerine reeeeally doesn't like being shocked.
She yelled a bit and I got a little smack as a reward, her punches don't hurt so it's ok (don't tell her I said that).
But what's interesting is that since then it seems like Nerine has became a living battery or something, because at random moments throughout the day I'd suddenly hear her scream her lungs out and then find out she zapped herself while trying to open the fridge, or the water tab, or by touching anything made out of metal.
Her fear of accidentally shocking herself got to the point she doesn't wanna make direct contact with me anymore.
But it ain't that big of a dread, cuz sometimes she'll forget or straight up don't care anymore, just to then get herself zapped again.
She might as well start a superheroine career as Miss Lightning now
too bad she's like a Pichu, cuz she hurts herself everytime she does the thing.