Hello there! I'm making this little news post so if any of you want, you can download any of the little portraits I made for the munchies .
This way you won't have to crop the thing from the board and also get it in the best quality posible! I enjoyed making each one of them too much to just let them die out, so if you wanna use them as pfp or whatever, go ahead! I don't mind at all ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
7- Fe3l1ngsk1lledd . @fe3l1ngsk1lledd
13- SANDWICH WIZARD . @Tawaki6ixty5ive
17- big brain baby . @Frontlined-Backend
19- Pointlessfield . @Pointlessfield
Thanks once again everyone for participating! (. ^ ᴗ ^.)
i love the dorky smile you gave me hehe <3
It seems that I accidentally made it your trademark (^ ▽ ^;)